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Our First "Superlock" Mechanism

Blade Finish
  • MADE IN USA: Proudly machined & assembled in our Dallas, TX shop
  • SUPERLOCK: Smooth opening with the thumbstud & secure lockup
  • MAGNACUT: Premium cutting performance & corrosion-resistant steel
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From Rough Concept to Refined Design...

The legend started when the head honcho, Will Hodges, approached our lead in house engineer with a mission: "Let's make a Superlock that's better than anything out there." After weeks of deliberation and countless pots of coffee, we had a design that wasn't our typical design language but prioritized function over form. Internally, we jokingly referred to the beast as the "Chupacabra" because of the spine and, after months of making prototypes and revisions to fine tune the action, the name stuck and we're incredibly excited for you to experience our mythical creation.


    • Anodized 7075 Aluminum Handles
    • Ceramic Caged Bearings
    • 50 HRC Hardened SS Liners
    • 61-62 HRC AEB-L Sliding Lock
    • Deep Carry Stainless Steel Pocket Clip [Default]
    • Lynch NW Titanium Pocket Clip Upgrade [+$15]


    Overall Length
    Closed Length
    Blade Length
    Thickness at Handles
    Thickness at Clip
    Blade Thickness
    Total Weight
    Blade Steel
    Blade Hardness
    63-64 HRC
    Blade Shape
    Made In
    Dallas, TX

How it Works

Superlocks are a relatively new mechanism that utilizes a lock bar and coil spring to wedge the blade open, making it strong and reliable option. This unique design enables user serviceability and can easily be disassembled and maintained using a T8 torx driver for a lifetime of use.

Manufactured From Premium Materials

From the MagnaCut sheepsfoot blade which serves as the foundation to the anodized 7075 aluminum handles and titanium hardware, the Chupacabra is perfect for any cutting task. The deep-radius aluminum handles give the knife a comfortable grip while keeping it light and the stainless steel or titanium clip provides a seamless, deep pocket carry.


Lynch Northwest Titanium Clip Upgrade

Casey Lynch is known for the best aftermarket clips in the industry with an emphasis on quality and USA manufacturing. They have perfected titanium bending and their finished clips can be found in countless pockets around the world. We love what they do and are fortunate to offer a LNW Titanium clip upgrade on the Chupacabra for an additional $15

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